Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No title can portray the frustration

Twins have 2nd and 3rd with no one out, and they hit 2 fly balls, scoring both runs without even getting a hit.

While whenever we've had a guy on 3rd with no out or 1 out these past few weeks, it seems every single time they're left stranded. And that's a major part of why we're 9 and 5 out.

At least Leetch and Richter got inducted into the HHOF today.

And at least it's only the 2nd inning.

UPDATE: Apparently Leetch and Richter were inducted into the USHHOF. Was given faulty information, sorry about that. Also, we've failed another 2 times to get runners in from 3rd with less than 2 out but thanks to the Captain and Moose we're actually winning. Now if only Texas can make yet another comeback and Oakland can keep it going. And of course our bullpen doesn't f it up again.

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