Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Never a good thing...

...when you're 6 1/2 out of 1st and you have Sidney Ponson starting that night.

...when you hear that Joba Chamberlain is going to visit Dr. James Andrews.

...when you turn on ESPN Classic and all you can see is a terrible combination of billiards and auto racing.

...when your supposedly genius manager uses Melky Cabrera, who can't hit, as a pinch-hitter.

...when your bullpen, shockingly reliable all year, starts to suck. Like really not good.

...when your city loses another great place, this time Rififi.

...when your starting rotation is Mike Mussina, Andy Pettitte, Sidney Ponson, Darrell Rasner, Dan Giese. Freaking injuries. This should be Wang, Joba, Moose, Pettitte, Hughes, not to mention Pavano and Kennedy.


The Rashblog said...

I still cannot understand for the life of me why Pudge would pinch-run and Melky would pinch-hit. Isn't that backwards?

Dachs said...

Yes. Yes it is.