Our top story this morning: I still hate Glen Sather.
No, I'm not over this yet, and probably never will be unless we win it all. To his credit, Sather is trying to make it up to me as this morning we got rid of the retard Christian Backman, trading him with Fedor Tyutin for Nikolai Zherdev and Dan Fritsche. As much as I'll mis Tyuts, that's how happy I am that Backman's gone.
As for what we got back, Zherdev is described on ESPN.com as an enigmatic offensive star from Russia. Good to get Kovalev back, I guess we'll have to wait for Zherdev to go to Montreal in 10 years for him to emerge on his own.
But still, Sather, seriously, what were you thinking not resigning Avery? You incompetent retard, if you mess up the Jagr negotiations too I want you out of my city.
Any Rangers fan out there? Would you rather have the current Rosival/Redden/no Avery, or Orpik/Streit/Avery for 1-2 million more? Thought so. Freaking Sather.
In other news: Hey, the Yankees can score runs again!
Look what happens when the Captain gets back in the lineup. He was clearly rusty with his timing way off, but his presence alone put 75 runs on the board (26 in the 7th and 8th alone).
Bring on Boston, for the freaking huge 4 game series starting tonight, with a fantastic day game tomorrow (July 4th rules). Pettitte vs Lester tonight.
Also, the Sonics moving to Oklahoma City is closer to happening. This is absolutely ridiculous, I really can't believe David Stern is letting (encouraging?) this happen.
And finally, let the record show, Rescue Me minisodes just aren't good enough. Stupid writer's strike, we need real episodes.